2014年4月24日 星期四


NIH Physician Acknowledges the Reality ofMind Control
Eleanor White
This is SUBSTANTIALLY LONGER than the normal 5 minutes of theother 'Minutes' in this series. The confirmed testimony of ahigh-ranking doctor in government service is so important that thislength is needed to convey the story. Long as it is, the letterbelow has had some sections removed for the sake of brevity.

The 'psycho-electronic' type of mind control I'm discussing hereis the covert, around the clock harassment of innocent citizensliving in their homes and communities, and is currently world widein scope. This harassment combines advanced, no trace evidenceelectronic attacks on the targeted person, together with break-insand sabotage of home, car, and work, and rumor campaigns designedto destroy all relationships and the career of the targetedperson.

In the spring of 2002, Dr. Eldon Byrd, a neuro-electromagneticresearcher who had worked on early neuro-influence technology forthe United States Navy, provided us with an anonymous letterconcerning current-day mind control from a colleague he knewpersonally.

This colleague was a physician working at the US NationalInstitutes of Health.

Dr. Byrd also provided us with his own letter corroborating thestatements of his colleauge. Here are excerpts from the formerNational Institutes of Health doctor:

"In the mid to late eighties, while I was a practicingphysician, I was working almost exclusively in the field ofpsycho-neuro-immuno-endocrinology,especially as concerned the newmalady, called Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome.

I had become good friends,Health and Wellness Advisor, andpersonal physician to US Senator Claiborne Pell of Rhode Island. Ihad also become very close friends with his Special LegislativeAssistant.

"It was in the 1987-88 timeframe that I was introduced to anindividual of authority in the US Government who talked about astrange new phenomenon.

This individual wanted me to meet a special investigativereporter who had been devoting all his time to investigating thisnew phenomenon

He thought that with my background in the neural sciences andsome of the esoteric things I had been aware of in the realm of thephysics of consciousness that I m​​ight be of assistance both tovictims of this phenomenon and to the investigators of it.

"He told me that there was significant evidence that thephenomenon was real and viewed by those involved in trying tounderstand it as very dangerous.

He warned me from the outset that many of the scientists who hadbeen close to understanding the technology behind the phenomenonwound up dying from apparent heart attacks.


"He said that in the opinion of many who had seriouslyinvestigated this phenomenon, that it appeared to be as dangerous athreat to humanity as anything ever in history, because it was notyet traceable to a specific source, and that it was so malevolent,that it had the potential to lead humanity to its owndestruction.


"I was also told that it was not uncommon for thoseinvestigating the phenomenon to become victims of it themselves,and that he considered that I should know the risks beforevolunteering to help.


Because of my relationship to the Senator and my commitment toassist in matters affecting the health and welfare of the nation, Ifelt it was my duty to participate to the best of my ability.


"I agreed to meet with the investigative reporter. He came to myoffice and gave me the first briefing on the phenomenon.


I wish to preface my account with the fact that through thesucceeding three or four years, I became convinced of the realityof the phenomenon, and in fact did come under attack, although in amanner not typical. What he described was as follows.


"The majority of those who were victims of this 'technology'would report that they had somehow received an implant of a speakerinside their head.


Almost incessantly they would hear noise, as in background noisein a busy room with activity of people and machinery.


They would also hear voices addressing themspecifically.


Often they would be harangued incessantly with exhortations tocommit vile acts, such as inappropriate sexual behaviors fromhomosexual assaults to heterosexual rape and pedophilic acts.


"They would also experience the emotional accompaniment of theseexhortations as urges that were hard to control.


Often the urges and thoughts and voices caused the victim toexperience tremendous fear and rage.


Some of the victims experienced the 'loss of time,' in whichthey​​ would be conscious, but somehow missed what happened to themfor extended periods, ranging from minutes to hours at a time. Theycould not account for themselves during these periods.


"Some of the victims made the association that these 'attacks'coincided with watching television or from working at theircomputers.


A number of victims learned that if they lost themselves in acrowd, they could frequently interrupt the 'transmissions.' Thiswould lead them often to wander into crowded places in order to getsome peace.


"Inevitably these people would seek medical attention. Themajority of these people had no prior history of psychiatricillness.


Their experience of the voices had a sudden onset, and they couldpinpoint the time or date the first awareness of these eventsoccurred.


Although many would be told that they had a psychiatric illnesscausing them auditory hallucinations, a number of eminentpsychiatrists who studied some of these victims felt that the onestruly victimized by this 'technology' did not fall into anypsychiatric diagnosis, and that they were not experiencing auditoryhallucinations.


Quite a number of victims were successful well-adjusted peopleprior to the onset of the symptoms.


Characteristically, all of the content of the voices, which wasso perverse, had no reference to past character development inthese people.


"This reporter, who we will call M, told me that quite bychance, when one physician had prescribed a phenothiazine calledHaldol without telling the patient what it was, the voices stoppedalmost immediately.


However, when the patient found out the name of the medicine,the voices resumed.

They tried this on a number of other patients, and found thesame thing happened.
It was as if there was something physiologically relevant to theaction of the "transmission" that interfered with it, but if themonitoring agent behind the technology found out what theinterfering drug was, it somehow could abort the efficacy.


"One has to say, as a skeptic, that an initial placebo effectwas eliminated once the patient discovered that the medicine wasused for psychiatric patients with hallucinations orpsychosis.

Yet, one has to wonder why, when Haldol is very effective ineliminating hallucinosis with or without the patient's knowledge,why there seemed to be this reproducible escape of efficacy, oncethe name of the medicine was introduced to consciousness of thevictim.


"Another attribute of the attackers according to M was theirability to learn of the victim's past medical history.


One of the manifestations of the attack often was thereproduction of acute symptomatology that clinically resembledperfectly attacks of genuine disease conditions, such as acuteabdominal pain associated with appendicitis, or chest painassociated with myocardial ischemia, of abdominal pain associatedwith pelvic inflammatory disease.


When these people would seek medical attention for thesesymptoms, however, there would be absolutely no evidence clinicallythat anything truly pathologic was happening.


Again, this would contribute to the judgment of the healthprovider that the victim was a 'crock,' meaning that it was allsome form of psychosomatic neurosis.


"Investigative reporter M declared that his investigation ofthis phenomenon had taken him around the world.


He had interviewed individuals in Soviet agencies, Israeliintelligence, our own CIA, NSA, and Naval Intelligenceorganizations.


He found that many agencies in other countries had become aware ofthis and other similar phenomena, and although they acknowledgedworking on technology that could influence thought and feeling ofhuman beings, made ​​the distinction between their efforts and thisphenomenon.


"M stated that he was not able to get those assurances from thepeople he interviewed at NSA.


I remember a specific instance in which M had gained possessionof a copy of a transmission recorded from a victim's television setthat was submitted to NSA for analysis.


Prior to its submission, other scientists had verified that avery unusual signal had been received by some very special devicethey employed to monitor this victim's TV set.


"I was not told the nature of the signal nor was I told anythingabout the recording device.

What he told me however, was that upon submitting it to the NSA,they were never able to get the recording back, nor were they ableto ascertain from the NSA official what their findings revealedabout the transmission.


"Investigative reporter M was making the association that thevictimization process itself could be propagated from person toperson.


He stated that he felt that even through telephone lines, onevictim talking to another person could result in the person to whomthe victim was talking become a victim themselves .


He also reported that regarding his investigation, it seemedthat as he got closer to answers, that the people he would speak towould irrationally shut him off, even after being initiallyengaged, interested and even participating in theinvestigation.


He made ​​this conclusion because of times at which Pell would beseriously engaged with M, it was as if a switch had been pulled andsuddenly Pell would disengage, seeming to forget what theconversation was about or that he had any interest in what M waspresenting at all.


He believed that the controlling entity or entities could sensewhen to interfere and actually cause people to block their ownperceptions and awareness.


M actually came to believe that the scope of interference couldactually lead people to do things that were destructive tothemselves, like cause their own automobile accidents.


"He believed that Senator Pell had himself become an unawarevictim of the manipulation of this force.

Yet later Pell would again invite M back for further discussion,only to have the discussion interrupted again in the sameway.

M was convinced it was not simply a distraction caused by beingtoo busy or preoccupied with other things.

M also took note of the fact that some of the others he had metalong the way with insight into this phenomenon had simply suddenlyforgotten its importance.

And when reminded by M, they would deny even ever knowing aboutit. M felt this was a defensive maneuver by the agent or agentsbehind the 'technology.'

"My wife and I began to notice peculiar things in our own lifeimmediately after M would place a phone call to me.

For reasons unknown to us we would start to argue with eachother and have very bad feelings toward one another.

It became such a pattern that my wife pointed it out to me. Ihad never told her anything about M or the content of ourdiscussions."

"Shortly thereafter, I lost touch with [investigative reporter]M.About a year later I tried to reach him to see how he wasdoing.

I was shocked to find that he was no longer working on thisproject, but was on to something else.

When I said why would you abandon the work you were so fanaticallycommitted to for the sake of humanity, his response was as if hehad no idea to what I was referring.


"It has been suggested that this horrible technology issomething covertly being used by our government.

Although I cannot rule it in or out, I sincerely believe thatsomething real is going on that is not a part of normal physiologyto affect these people.

Not everyone who hears voices is a victim of this, just as noteveryone who is a victim of this hears voices.

My experience suggests to me that there is something definitelyimpacting certain people, perhaps at random, from the outsidein."

"Brain imaging techniques are available, such as MRI and PETscans.

The MRI is useful for examining brain structure, whereas the PETscan is designed to examine the metabolic activity in thebrain.

Unless a victim has been subjected to signals that affect thephysical structure of the brain, the MRI is of limited value;

however the PET scan could determine the difference betweeninternally generated symptoms and externally generatedsignals."

The excerpts from the letter I just read make it plain that mindcontrol is a very real international crime in progress which needsthe urgent attention of every level of government, until it isexposed and stopped.

